Change Management

Technology is easy, people are hard…Changing systems and tools is disruptive; it requires convincing people to change how they spend their days.

We help organizations evolve and become more effective, and we do it by helping them embrace not just new technologies, but new ways of working by:

  • Smoothing the transition – Change inevitably causes some disruption and uncertainty. Dedicated change management helps ease the transition by clearly communicating changes, training people on new processes, and supporting adoption. This minimizes productivity dips during the transition.
  • Nurturing adoption – Simply rolling out a new tool doesn’t guarantee people will use it or use it effectively. Change management drives adoption through training, addressing concerns, reinforcing benefits, and providing ongoing support. This helps the organization get the most value from the investment.
  • Reducing resistance – People are often resistant to change out of fear of the unknown. Change management gives them a voice, sets expectations, and equips them for success, reducing resistance.
  • Providing extra capacity – A little extra help at the right time allows individuals and departments to adopt new ways of working without feeling overwhelmed, lost, or unengaged.
  • Reporting on benefits – The end goal is driving results with the change, like improved efficiency or better reporting. We keep the focus on realizing (and celebrating) concrete benefits, not just implementing new software.
  • Supporting culture shift – Major technology changes often require adapting the culture to new ways of working. Change management explicitly addresses needed cultural shifts and mindset changes, and values these as much as technology deployments.

Let’s build upon the foundation together, here’s where we can begin:

Facilitation & Consensus Building

Ever been working on an effort that just gets stuck and can’t move forward? Design decisions hit a crossroad, operational tactics are leading to frustration across units, multiple stakeholders and various opinions are not adding up to a resolution.

Sometimes a third party can provide a perspective and driving force to help gain consensus and alignment by facilitating the uneasy discussions – whether those are within a team, across departments, or even among multiple vendors supporting your portfolio of engagement architecture tools and products. We have developed an approach that enables us to drop in and quickly assess the situation from various perspectives, then lead group discussions to reset and align on desired outcomes.

Strong facilitation helps teams:
  • Identify the commonalities, pain points and anomalies in perspectives
  • Build a shared understanding of goals, objectives and desired outcomes among executive stakeholders and staff
  • Develop a tactical plan to reset and complete stalled efforts
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Change Management

Every major effort is part of a change that your organization is trying to enact. However, it is not always clear what the change will yield and why it must happen now. Change management is about creating impact plans that address the natural uncertainties and anxieties that happen during these times of organizational adaptation.

Communications and impact planning are critical to achieving acceptance and success for new endeavors. Preparing your team for something new is one part tactical training and another part of helping them see the value of the change for the work they are doing–not just that their operational processes are being upended for change’s sake.

Change management helps by creating:
  • A tactical, methodical, and efficient approach to change management to increase adoption and acceptance
  • Communications strategies for collecting inputs and feedback as well as sharing updates
  • Guidance for ways to achieve stakeholder and employee buy-in
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