Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) while keeping your brand safe and organization ethical

How to identify opportunities and avoid risk through our AI Empowerment Workshop

We all know your staff is using AI to accomplish their goals at work. However, are you managing and coordinating this use to protect your brand and interact with people ethically? Moreover, are you maximizing the impact of AI when and where you decide you should use it? If you’re like many organizations out there, finding the time and resources to answer these questions can feel out of reach.

ParsonsTKO wants to help. ParsonsTKO has developed a “Pay What You Can” Workshop on AI Empowerment to ensure all mission-driven organizations can embrace the promises of AI while maintaining human-centric values, transparency, and inclusivity. Our approach is tailored to your organization’s unique needs and priorities, ensuring alignment with your mission. We encourage broad participation through optional surveys, enabling all team members to weigh in on strategic decisions.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll walk away with one or more detailed priority opportunities to implement AI capabilities, accompanied by guidance on governance to ensure responsible and ethical usage.

We believe that price should not be a barrier to using AI safely and ethically. That’s why our workshop operates on a “pay what you can” model, ensuring that every organization, regardless of budget, has the opportunity to protect itself from risk and fully leverage AI’s potential.

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People deciding how to use AI ethically

Together, let’s navigate your team through a future where AI empowers your organization’s mission.

AI Workshop Agenda: 1. Grounding Exercise 2. Overview of the stat of AI 3. Interactive Brainstorm 4. Prioritize & Evaluate 5. Policy & Practice

How we helped NRECA put data and analytics at the center of decision making

Learn how the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)—a trade association that represents the interests of 900+ not-for-profit cooperatives—worked with us to put data and analytics at the heart of its strategic communications.

“One of the best parts of working with ParsonsTKO to improve our gathering and usage of analytics was the amount of training and communication during the hand-off process. This ensured that we are able to fully understand, use, extend, and improve on the process ourselves going forward.”

Boriana Ditcheva | Rare
Web and Social Media Manager